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Fallout; should I watch the first series?

Writer's picture: Tom DayTom Day

Fallout Lucy leaving Vault 33 wallpaper
Lucy leaves the safety of Vault 33 200 years after the bombs drop.

Roaming the Wastelands in the year 2296, slashing Yao Guais and making Radroaches explode in a shower of gore while mid-century jazz by the likes of Nat King Cole and Billie Holiday blesses the ears. Yep, this is Fallout, and we love it.

The Fallout Universe is incredible!

As a lifelong fan of the Fallout series, and easily over one-thousand hours into New Vegas, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4 across multiple consoles, I have to start by acknowledging and commending the way the show fits into the Fallout universe. Right from the opening scene, we're seeing Grognak the Barbarian on a Radiation King TV, and Mr Handy offering assistance in that classic English accent. We won't go into Fallout's history in this post, but as far as accuracies go, Bethesda and Todd Howard seamlessly included so much from the Fallout universe; Jet, S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats, the posters that line walls of the Vaults, Stimpacks, RadAway... It's all there, but never in an in-your-face or in an overly try-hard manner, and the locations, factions, and timelines are equally well-implemented.

Two severed rotten heads kissing, and lots of slapstick gore.

If you're someone that enjoys what I can only describe as slapstick gore, the Fallout TV Series asserts its spot in the Fallout universe here, too. You see Todd's implementation of comedic horror in the form of laughably preposterous explosions of human torsos and limbs becoming knave shrapnel as if the Bloody Mess Perk has been toggled on. Two severed heads kissing, a man having a gun stuck through the hole previously blasted in his head which then is used to kill many others, and projectiles shot from the Junk Jet puncturing through entire radiated organisms like they're nothing more than a box of YumYum Deviled Eggs.

Dean Martin plays over comedic violence and slaughter.

As always, all of this comedically over-the-top violence plays through with some post-war jazz, and isn't there for no reason; it's done in the service of world-building in the style of a Quentin Tarantino film. The show's scenes of violence portray a struggle amidst survivors who are still, after two-hundred years, trying to rebuild civilisation while fending off Raiders and Ghouls, and a part of this struggle is the primitive brutality, so some of the show's characters die psychotically casually; like, dropping a penny and not worrying about it kinda casual. This, however, is a world where medicines that can instantly heal wounds are as common as off-the-shelf bionic body parts. People are squishy and life is cheap in this world, but survivors adapt and gore doesn’t seem to bother anyone all that much. Seeing someone's organs get harvested with no anaesthetic by Mr Handy is about as "meh" as trading a tooth for five Caps and buying a Nuka Cola. Shrugs.

Exploring the Wasteland in this incredible adventure.
Fallout TV show wastelands

The Fallout Adventure.

It's Fallout. You're starting from the bottom of the pile with no armour and a pathetic little 10mm pistol in a lawless world where Super Mutants and Deathclaws can end your life in 0.000001 seconds and your Pip-Boy's Geiger Counter is going ham. Colonies and leaders have been established, swarms of zombie-like radioactive Ghouls and Raiders hunt you for your flesh and loot, blister-covered mutant bears and powerful factions are a constant threat, safe water and food are sparce, but our Lucy has to find her father and she'll do whatever it takes to get to him.

You're right there with Lucy on this hellish mission.

Bethesda does RPGs incredibly well, with intertwining stories and psychotic attention to detail within their universes, and Season 1 feels like such a natural extension of the video game series. If you're like me and you've put all the spare time you have in your teens and twenties into the games, you see so many Easter Eggs and references to various characters and collectables from the games in this show. The writers didn't have to include Bobbleheads, Mini Nukes and the collectable lunchbox from Fallout 3, or Wasteland Survivors Guide 4 in the scene where Lucy visits a shop in Filly.

This adventure through the Wastelands is immediately captivating, and the show's writers make you feel like you're right there with Lucy on this hellish mission. Big-budget scenery and strong characters yield an immersive experience, which is what Bethesda has mastered over the decades, it's easy enough for people to understand yet infinitely pleasing for the fans.

Should you watch Fallout?

So, is the Fallout TV show worth the watch? It's a huge yes from me; it slots into the Fallout Universe so perfectly that it pleases my inner gobby fanboy view of the entire Fallout franchise and there are plenty of references and Easter Eggs for the hardcore fan, but is easy enough to watch for first-time entrants into this incredible universe. Fallout leaves the door open wide for first-time viewers to explore and learn more about this incredible series. Hopefully the hairs on your neck will stand every time you hear "War. War never changes" from now.


A quick shout to how each episode has been titled, too. Genius.

We invite you to leave your thoughts; let us know what you think of the Fallout TV show, and whether you're coming into this for the first time or you're a frequent Deathclaw slayer.



James Chappell
James Chappell

I haven't played the games but enjoyed the series. Yes you might get all the various Easter eggs but it's not required before you watch it. :-)



Amazing write up by Tom! 10000% people should watch this, even if you've played the games or not!

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