Reaching a professional level within every hobby.
Bringing expertise to your atomisers.
Modelling, BMX, guitars, web services, art, creative media, personal health... I've had a lot of hobbies. They all stemmed from a keen interest in the subject, and I always wanted to be the best at everything I've become emphatic with. Reaching the professional level in each of my interests is the reason MTN is here - we're bringing the very best to you.
After quitting smoking, I'd come across elaborate builds on Instagram by people like DFichna, Liam Robertson, Blueeyedgoon, Taxi Jim, and more. What they could do by simply connecting positive and negative terminals with conductive materials, but in such an artistic way was captivating to me, and made me ask "is this work yielding a better vaping experience?", thus the spark of my latest hobby had ignited.
This incredibly deep understanding of what materials work best in each application is only found in professional, competitive building, but MTN has brought these expertise to your atomisers.
You can genuinely feel the difference when coils are crafted professionally.